In August of 2022, Arch Community Fund awarded 12 grants of $15,000 – $25,000 to support transformative organizing work. In addition, Arch made 2nd year payments to 12 multi-year grantees. Arch paid out $545,000 in grants in 2022. New grantees include:
- About Face: Iraq Veterans Against the War (National) – $20,000 About Face are Post-9/11 service members and veterans organizing to end a foreign policy of permanent war and the use of military weapons, tactics, and values in communities across the country.
- Beyond Trenches (Stone Mountain, GA) – $20,000 Beyond Trenches is a mutual aid organization supporting Black individuals and families affected by mass incarceration and homelessness in the South.
- Community Movement Builders (Atlanta, GA) – $20,000 Community Movement Builders is a member-based collective of Black people creating sustainable, self-determining communities through cooperative economic advancement and collective community organizing.
- California Coalition for Women Prisoners – the Fire Outside (Emeryville, CA) – $20,000 CCWP is a grassroots abolitionist organization – with members inside and outside prison – that challenges the institutional violence imposed on women, transgender people, and communities of color by the prison industrial complex (PIC).
- Equity and Transformation (EAT) (Chicago, IL) – $25,000 EAT is a non-profit, community-led organization founded by and for post-incarcerated people. EAT strives to uplift the faces, voices, and power of individuals that operate within the informal economy.
- Gender Benders (Piedmont, SC) – $20,000 Gender Benders currently provides a range of advocacy, education and support services for TGNC individuals. This includes a annual multi-day retreat for TGNC adults (Camp GB), trans health resource development and provision.
- If Not Now Education Fund (Washington, DC) – $20,000 If Not Now Education Fund is a movement of American Jews organizing our community to end U.S. support for Israel’s apartheid system and demand equality, justice, and a thriving future for all Palestinians and Israelis.
- Justice Cream (Chicago, IL) – $20,000 Justice Cream’s mission is to develop a solidarity economy through non-dairy ice cream, while creating new norms rooted in care and equity.
- Peace and Justice Action League of Spokane (Spokane, WA) – $25,000 PJALS believes everyday people can accomplish extraordinary things together. They strive to draw from our differences to increase and enhance effective action to build a just and nonviolent world.
- SMASH (Miami, FL) – $20,000 SMASH has a vision of a Miami free of slumlords and climate gentrification where housing is a human right.
- Western Mining Action Network (Billings, MT) – $20,000 WMAN is a strong, diverse alliance of communities who work to protect water, air, land, wildlife, and human beings from the adverse effects of mining.
- Worcester Youth Cooperatives (Worcester, MA) – $15,000 WYC’s mission is to support the power of youth to organize cooperative solutions to social issues they care about.
2022 2nd year payments were issued to:
- Anti-Police Terror Project (Oakland, CA) – $25,000 APTP is a Black-led, multi-racial, intergenerational coalition that seeks to build a replicable and sustainable model to eradicate police terror in communities of color by supporting families surviving police terror, documenting police abuses, and connecting impacted families with resources, legal referrals, and opportunities for healing.
- Asian Solidarity Collective (Chula Vista, CA) – $25,000 The Asian Solidarity Collective is a grassroots organization in San Diego whose mission is to activate Asian American social justice consciousness, condemn anti-Blackness, and build Asian solidarity with Black folks, queer and grans people of color, and other oppressed communities.
- Cooperative Food Empowerment Directive (CoFED) (Santa Rosa, CA / National) – $25,000 CoFED is building a cooperative food economy, powered by the visionary leadership of people of color!
- Critical Resistance (National) – $25,000 CR seeks to build an international movement to end the Prison Industrial Complex by challenging the belief that caging and controlling people makes us safe.
- Dream Action Oklahoma (DAOK) (Oklahoma City, OK) – $25,000 Dream Action Oklahoma is a community-based organization that aims to empower the local immigrant community through advocacy and education to ensure justice for all immigrants.
- Firelands (Rural WA) – $25,000 Firelands organizes in the small towns and rural communities we love and call home to win an economy that respects workers, communities and the land.
- Freedom to Thrive (formerly Enlace) (Portland, OR / National) – $25,000 Freedom to Thrive works to build a world where safety means investment in people and planet and end the punishment-based criminal and immigration systems.
- Georgia WAND (Atlanta, GA) – $25,000 GA WAND believes that in order to advance justice, efforts must be led by the communities directly affected by the injustices they address.
- Healing to Action (Chicago, IL) – $25,000 HtA advances a worker-led movement to end gender violence and envisions worker leaders creating safe, just workplaces and stable economic futures.
- Jahajee Sisters (New York, NY) – $25,000 Jahajee Sisters is a movement-building organization, led by Indo-Caribbean women, committed to creating a safe and equitable society for women and girls.
- Lavender Phoenix (San Francisco, CA) – $25,000 Lavender Phoenix builds queer and transgender Asian and Pacific Islander power to amplify voices and increase the visibility of these communities.
- #Vigilant Love (Los Angeles, CA) – $25,000 #Vigilant Love creates spaces for connection and grassroots movement to ensure the safety and justice of communities impacted by Islamophobia and violence.